First Campaign Raised $869,926
Second Campaign Raised $1,168,249
Kansas State University’s Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon conducted a fraternity fundraising campaign to expand and renovate their Chapter House, to increase the housing occupancy, remain competitive, and enhance technological and educational amenities.
Two study rooms and a 6-man sleeping room
Provided for president’s suite with handicap accessibility
New Housemother’s suite
Increased dining area to seat 90 men with a gallery/overflow area
New kitchenette for late night access to microwave and refrigerator
Improved large, formal library featuring study tables and reading area
14 study rooms and seven sleeping rooms to accommodate 32 men on each level
Two restrooms
Relocated bathroom facilities on each level
Replaced residential space with group and individual study/computer space
Remodeled Chapter room
Created multipurpose room
New laundry/vending area